вторник, 5 януари 2016 г.

Dance, Dance, Dance!

So today, instead of just doing my regular squats (which I also did), a warmed up with some solo salsa and (what I imagined to be) tango and hip hop dancing. I don't think I did too good provided that my room is way too small to choreograph any decent dance for myself, but I still did dancing for about one solid hour. My hips were so tired by the time I got around doing my 90 squats that I was actually dying when I reached 60! This is quite remarcable compared to previous days when I hit my count with no problem. And for the first time today, one song was almost not enough for my squats!
Just like taking the stairs instead of the elevator - which has become a well-established habit by now - I actually dance quite often... as in, almost every day kind of often. I don't know why I hadn't blogged about it until today, but I might start posting some of the songs I like dancing to.

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