четвъртък, 4 февруари 2016 г.

30 Day Yoga Camp

I have to admit that I really like challenges because, as the past few days after the Squat Challenge have shown, if there is no challenge I just end up not doing anything at all. So today I saw that Adriene (from Yoga with Adriene) has made another 30 Day yoga series and I am super excited to get on with it. In May 2015 I did her 30 Days of Yoga and that was a time of my life when I was feeling absolutely superb and on top of the world. I hope that this programme will make me feel like that again (or perhaps even better?). 
So officially, Yoga Camp - started; day 1 - done!

събота, 30 януари 2016 г.


Salsa day today! There was ony one guy other than the instructor in the group, so I had to be a leader as well which hadn't happened a lot lately. It was quite cool actually because we were doing some more advanced moves which I already knew as a lady anyway, so I got to learn them from a new perspective.

петък, 29 януари 2016 г.

30 Day Squat Challenge

250 squats done! I had never thought I was capable of something like this! I feel quite good about myself right now and I'm already thinking about what my next challenge should be.

четвъртък, 28 януари 2016 г.

30 Day Squat Challenge

240 squats today! Oddly enough my hips were more tired from getting to 230 the other day than they are today. One more day till the end of the challenge!

сряда, 27 януари 2016 г.


Went social salsa dancing last night. It was my first out-of-class salsa experience and it was amazing! I can't wait to go again next week. Workout-wise, I think it was also quite good, as I was out of breath and (more than) midly sweaty after only two songs. 

30 Day Squat Challenge

Day 28 today and all the ones before it are done! I have to say, the jump from 190 to 220 was quite challenging, and the past couple of days have been especially hard. I am actually worried about how tomorrow and the day after tomorrow (the last day of the challenge) will go. But I think I'm finally starting to see some results, so that makes it worth it... most of the time.

сряда, 20 януари 2016 г.

Hula Hooping

By far one of the funniest forms of exercise! While it doesn't burn too many calories per se (according to this calculator - http://www.sparkpeople.com/resource/calories_burned.asp - I've burned 72 calories in 10 minutes... which is actually more than cardio dancing according to the same calculator), I can literally feel how it's tightening my muscles. I worked on my core and my arms, and I could definitely feel how all my muscles were working hard to keep that hula hoop off the ground.